| VIRGO (August 23 - September 22) | BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT ZODIAC SIGN - VIRGO SYMBOL The Virgin RULING PLANET Mercury ELEMENT Earth (material things & security) MODALITY Mutable (changeable) COLOR Navy Blue, Gray METAL Mercury POLARITY Pisces Special Quality - I ANALYZE | POSITIVES : Modest, Shy, Meticulous, discriminating, reliable, practical, diligent, industrious, intelligent, analytical, reserved, seeking to know and understand, having an excellent memory, analytical mind and a ceaseless drive to accomplish and improve. | NEGATIVES : Fussy, Worrier, Overcritical, Harsh, perfectionist, conservative, high-strung | HEALTH CONCERNS : Virgo is said to govern the hands, abdomen, intestines, spleen and central nervous system. Illnesses to which its natives are prone include catarrh, cold, coughs, pleurisies, pneumonia and nervous instabilities. Their natures make them inclined to worry and this makes them vulnerable to stomach and bowel troubles, including colic and ulcers. Male Virgoans may have trouble with their sexual organs. Both sexes are strongly interested in drugs and esoteric cuisine and as their delicate stomachs require them to be careful about their diet, it is essential that they treat their fascination with exotic food with extreme care. | PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS : Medium height, dark hair and eyes, quick active walk, often appears younger than age, chest prominent, straight nose, thin and shrill voice, curved eyebrows with much of hair growth, mark either on throat or thighs. | POSITIVES - I ANALYZE | - Virgos have an amazing ability to figure things out, how to improve everything and for analyzing details. Virgo has a constant drive to make things better. This makes them great managers in almost any field.
| - Virgos never-stopping-mind is truly a machine and can be used to fix problems of all kinds.
| - The Virgin is pure and their motives are honest. They want to accomplish something that makes the word better for all.
| - Virgos have excellent memories.
| - Virgos are health-conscious, hygienic people and they should live a long healthy life.
| - Virgos want to look after others - people, animals, plants and the Earth.
| NEGATIVES - Too Proud | - Virgos have to understand that things in life just happen for reasons unknown. Calm down and do not over-analyze every situation. Let some things just happen in life and believe that it will be okay.
| - You may feel that your life and your climb to success is a steep hill that you may never be able to scale.
| - Virgos are very self-critical. Disappointment due to the lack of perfection is very unhealthy. Relax, you're doing great!
| - Virgos can be argumentative and they give constant criticism to those who aren't perfect. Virgos need to express the positive traits of your finely tuned analytical reasoning while helping others see your need for perfection.
| - Virgos have a very active mind that is always thinking and it seemingly can never be silenced. Virgos must learn when to shut off the mind and relax. Sometimes life passes by while your stuck in your head.
| - Virgos generally lack innovation and imagination because it is in your nature to look back and analyze, don't be afraid to trust and look forward sometimes.
| - Virgos do not take criticism well. Be calm when others criticize. Use your talents to analyze the criticism and see if their is truth in it. Do not let criticism ruin relationships or jobs.
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