| GEMINI (May 21 - June 20) | BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT ZODIAC SIGN - GEMINI SYMBOL The Twins RULING PLANET Mercury ELEMENT Air (intellect & communication) MODALITY Mutable (changeable) COLOR Yellow, Light Blue METAL Mercury POLARITY Sagittarius Special Quality - I THINK | POSITIVES : Adaptable, energetic, versatile, communicative, persuasive, witty, intellectual, eloquent, youthful, lively, quick in thought and action, restless and brimming with new ideas. | NEGATIVES : Nervous, tense, superficial, inconsistent, cunning, inquisitive and a tendency towards extravagance. | HEALTH CONCERNS : Gemini rules the arms, shoulders, hands, lungs and nervous system and its subjects need to beware of diseases and accidents associated with the upper part of the body, as well as nervous and pulmonary disorders such as catarrh and bronchitis. Their mercurial nature may also affect a constitution which is not strong if it is put under strain. You are prone to taking unnecessary risks and wind up harming yourself or others in the process. Sometimes pursuing pleasure too vigorously could also qualify as risk taking. | PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS : Tall and well formed body, height above average, long slender hands, moderate complexion, depression near chin, active and clear speech, sharp and active eyes, black eyes, long nose, mole on face. | POSITIVES - I THINK | - Gemini have a talent with both the spoken and the written word.
| - Gemini love absorbing information and they love to disseminate it. They love to learn and teach.
| - The Twins can see both sides of an issue and thus are great mediators.
| - Gemini are flexible and go with the flow and you are chameleon-like in your ability to blend in with your environment.
| - Gemini are adaptable and dexterous and can tackle many things at once.
| - Gemini can talk anybody into anything, justify the unjustifiable. Being a lawyer or working in sales is all to easy.
| NEGATIVES - Impatient | - Gemini can change their mood on a simple whim and this can often frustrate others.
| - Easily bored Gemini can become frustrated by things moving too slowly. Gemini must learn patience.
| - Gemini's quick mind does not allow others to finish there thought. It is hard, but force yourself to allow others to finish speaking.
| - Gemini's take up new activities enthusiastically but lack application, constantly needing new interests. Training oneself to complete a task, even if moving from one to another, is key to Gemini success.
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