| TAURUS (April 20 - May 20) | BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT ZODIAC SIGN - TAURUS SYMBOL The Bull RULING PLANET Venus ELEMENT Earth (material things & security) MODALITY Fixed (strong, determined & solid) COLOR Pale Blue, Green, Pink METAL Copper ANATOMY Neck, Throat POLARITY Scorpion Special Quality - I HAVE | POSITIVES : Taureans are traditionally known as patient, reliable, quiet, affectionate, persistent, security-loving, practical, placid, determined, and stable. | NEGATIVES : selfish, quick-tempered, impulsive, impatient, foolhardy and daredevil | HEALTH CONCERNS : Taurus governs the throat and neck and its subjects need to beware throat infections, goiter and respiratory ailments such as asthma. They are said to be at risk of diseases of the genitals, womb, liver and kidneys, and of abscesses and rheumatism. Because their body type has an inclination to physical laziness, Taureans can be overweight. | PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS : Middle stature, generally plump body, broad forehead, thickened stout neck, beautiful and attractive face, eyes and large ears, broad shoulders and well developed muscles, whitish complexion, white teeth, heavy thighs, curly hairs, mole on back or armpit. | POSITIVES - I HAVE | - When others have given up Taurus the Bull continues on in the clutch. Success often comes because of this perseverance.
| - Taureans have endless patience to finish what they start. Slow and steady and always moving, the task at hand is always completed.
| - Ruled by Venus, the goddess of love and beauty, you have creative gifts especially in color and design. Art and music inspire you.
| - Security is immensely important to Taurus. Many of them actively seek wealth and find it.
| - When the Taurus works, they work hard, but when they play, they usually just like to kick back and relax.
| - Taureans are very strong-willed. Tenacity is your key to success.
| NEGATIVES - UNCHANGEABLE | - Change is a constant and many times the stubborn bull is left behind as the rest of the world moves on.
| - Taureans love for the familiar often makes others board. Don't be afraid to try new things, especially if it with friends or a lover.
| - Though the Taurus personality seems to be calm and peaceful, be careful of the bull. Left alone, a bull will happily graze; but if it is bothered, it will charge! The Taurus personality is calm and peaceful until angered. A Taurus must learn to control this temper.
| - The need for security and material objects can lead Taureans to unhappiness if it is followed to extremes.
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