| ARIES (March 21 - April 19) | BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT ZODIAC SIGN - ARIES SYMBOL The Ram RULING PLANET Mars ELEMENT Fire (spirit & energy) MODALITY Cardinal (creative) COLOR Red METAL Iron ANATOMY Head and Face POLARITY Libra Special Quality - I AM | POSITIVES : Aries are traditionally known as being adventurous, energetic, restless, activists & doers, vibrant, talkative, natural leaders, pioneering, courageous, enthusiastic, confident, dynamic, quick-witted | NEGATIVES : selfish, quick-tempered, impulsive, impatient, foolhardy and daredevil | HEALTH CONCERNS : Aries governs the head and brain, and Arians are said to be prone to headaches, particularly migraines, sunstroke, neuralgia and depression. Indigestion and nervous disorders are also threats to you, and your rashness, impetuosity and wholesale physical commitment make you liable to accidents and physical injuries. You like extremes. Physical, emotional and mental, and benefit profoundly by experiencing them; but if your extremism goes too far beyond social acceptability, then expect to be extremely lonely. | PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS : Middle stature, lean and muscular body, neither stout nor thick, long face and neck, broad head, mark or scar on head or temples, teeth well set, round eyes, curly hairs. | POSITIVES - I AM | - Aries is a natural leader and an activist. You can make it to great heights in anything you do.
| - Aries is very open-minded to new ideas and has a love for freedom.
| - Aries loves a challenge. The word "don't" and "can't" have little meaning to the Ram.
| - It is in Aries nature to express power. You treat opposition as an obstacle that you simply move around or ram right through it. This expression of power also shows in your courage. You get what you want.
| - Aries is the first sign (Spring Equinox is March 21) an this makes Aries the sign of new beginnings. Your life will see a lot of change. As soon as you arrive at a certain place a new direction is coming.
| - Aries likes to live life on the edge. You are gambler. The chase is always better than the catch.
| NEGATIVES - Take a Moment | - Aries often do not finish what they start because of their lack of patience. You have too many projects going on at once. It will take practice, but become a finisher.
| - Being a leader, you do not like to follow and this can cause problems at certain times in your life, particularly the work place. Your desire to run it all can lead you to quick failure unless you learn to control your aggressiveness.
| - Aries are very self-centered and unless you reach out, you become a spoiled brat.
| - Aries do not like taking other peoples advice. This not only alienates others, but it can also lead to your demise if your not careful.
| - Aries too often speak without thinking and often regret it later. Pause and think about what you are going to say. Silence is golden.
| - Aries are usually wasteful spenders and though they are the first to give financial help to a friend, they are also the first to wait for a pat on the head. Learn how to keep a budget and learn to help and give without always expecting something back. The universe will repay you.
| - Aries sometimes unknowingly makes it hard for others to relate to them. Don't be so sharp-tongued and bossy. Take a moment to think how you would like to be treated and then treat other s the same way.
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