Tulsi Bracelet

Product Code: BRSP41
Wearer of Tulsi Bracelet gains Good Health, Mental Peace, Wards off Evil Effects, Keeps away from Negativity, Stress & Anxiety.
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Information about Tulsi (Basil) Bracelet
This Bracelet is made up from Tulsi (Basil) beads with Buddha face (made from mixed metals) in the centre. Tulsi wood, which is in the family of basil, is the most sacred of all wood in the Hindu tradition. It is worshipped in Indian temples as a Living Goddess. It has been considered holy by many religions, the tulsi plant is revered for its divine properties. Tulsi leaves are also an essential part in the worship of Vishnu and his avatars, including Krishna and Rama and hence, this mala is most recommended for chanting the Vishnu, Krishna & Rama Mantras.

According to popular Indian belief, wherever Tulsi is planted, the place becomes sanctified as a place of pilgrimage and the soldiers of Yamraj (Lord of Death) not dare to enter that place. According to scientists, the place containing Tulsi plant becomes pollution free. The oil of the leaves is capable of destroying bacteria and insects. The leaves have mercury traces and are hence nowadays used in cancer curing Ayurvedic medicines. The juice of the leaves cures bronchitis and stomach upsets. The leaves paste cure all skin diseases and the decoction of the leaves cures common cold. Tulsi bracelet cures a person from High fever, Diseases of mind and from the ailment caused by disorder of the wind within the system according to Ancient Hindu Vedic Texts.

Ruling Deity of Tulsi Bracelet
Lord Vishnu
" Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Ram Hare Ram, Ram Ram Hare Hare "
Number of Beads
22 beads approx
Size of Beads
8 mm approx
Length of the Bracelet
free size
Made in
Made in elastic
Positive Effects of Tulsi (Basil) Bracelet as per Ancient Vedic Texts
  • The wearer of this Bracelet gains Good Health and Mental Peace.
  • It wards off evil effects and keeps away from Negativity, Stress & Anxiety.
  • Tulsi Bracelet is regarded best for worshipping Lord Vishnu, Lord Krishna & Lord Rama.
  • It cures fever, controls diabetes, protects from Heart diseases and dissolves Kidney Stones as per ancient vedic texts.
  • Tulsi Bead also cures headache.
Diseases cured by Tulsi Bracelet
As per Ancient Vedic Texts, Tulsi Bracelet works as a medical boon for Diabetes, Stress, Anxiety, Fever, Kidney Stones, Heart Disease, Headache etc.
Way of Wearing
Tulsi Bracelet should be worn around the wrist from any Thursday morning after taking bath, you may also recite the Mantra "Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Ram Hare Ram, Ram Ram Hare Hare" for 21 times before wearing the Bracelet. You may also keep this bracelet in the place of worship.
Energization of Tulsi Bracelet
Please note that the Bracelet will be duly Energized by our Guruji as per Hindu Rituals ( A Pran Pratistha Puja is performed ) before being sent to you and hence, you can directly start wearing the Bracelet from any Thursday morning after taking bath.

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