Sampurna Raksha Rudraksha Power Pendant is created with the combination of two beads of 3 Mukhi and One bead each of 9 Mukhi, 10 Mukhi and 11 Mukhi Rudraksha. This Pendant is also known as Complete Protection Rudraksha Power Pendant.
Information about Sampurna Raksha Rudraksha Power Pendant as per Ancient Vedic Texts:
This Rudraksha Pendant is made with two beads of 3 Mukhi Rudraksha and one bead of 9 Mukhi, 10 Mukhi and 11 Mukhi Rudrakshas of Nepalese origin with silver cappings on either sides of each rudraksha. The individual effects of these Rudrakshas are as follows :-
3 Mukhi Rudraksha - Presiding - Deity - Lord Agni - which purifies the sins of the past life and makes a person pure like itself. Hence the burden of past life are removed by the blessings of Lord Agni. The ruling planet of this Rudraksha is planet Mars and hence any malefic effects of planet Mars are also removed by wearing this rudraksha.
9 Mukhi Rudraksha - 9 Mukhi Rudraksha symbolizes Goddess Durga; it is said that it gives power to its possessor to fight evil & protects him from his enemies. It also helps the wearer to remain energetic & keep away from sloth & inertia.
10 Mukhi Rudraksha - 10 mukhi Rudraksha symbolizes Lord Vishnu & it is said that it acts like a security guard that keeps evil spirits/ evil eye/ evil practices/ negative eye at bay. Blesses the wearer with a secured mind against evil.
11 Mukhi Rudraksha - 11 Mukhi Rudraksha represents Lord Hanuman; this Rudraksha helps the wearer to remain fit, blesses with fearlessness & strength to fight against evil. 11 mukhi Rudraksha is also used for keeping any kind of danger at bay.
This Pendant also includes the auspicious energies to appease planet Mars (related to 3 Mukhi Rudraksha) and planet Ketu (related to 9 Mukhi Rudraksha), all of the Navgrahas by the blessings of Lord Vishnu.
This Rudraksha pendant helps to lessen the harmful effects of Stress, Anger, Hypertension, Depression, Anxiety, Negativity and Bad Luck.
It also gives power to the wearer to fight against Evil and protect himself from Enemies.
It also helps the wearer to remain energetic & keep away from sloth & inertia.
It also protects the wearer from Evil Spirits/ Evil Eye/ Evil Practices against him.
A person remains Fit, Fearless, Strong, Courageous and is able to make right decisions by wearing this Rudraksha Power Pendant. Both, his Physical as well as Mental strength is increased by wearing this pendant.
Sampurna Raksha Rudraksha Power Pendant can be worn around the neck on any Monday morning for the first time after reciting " Om Namah Shivay " for 11 times and thereafter it can be worn everyday or alternately it can be kept in the place of worship.