Navgrah Yantra in 2 gms Silver Locket

Product Code: NAVGRAH03
A Navgrah Yantra is a combined Yantra to pacify all the nine planets. This Yantra is divided into nine squares, each one with a talisman representing one planet.
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NAVGRAH YANTRA - For Appeasing all the Nine planets, Prosperity, Peace, Protection & Success
The planets Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and the two shadow planets Rahu and Ketu constitute the Navgrahas. The nine "Grahas" or planets in our horoscope controls our Destiny, our Karmas and their outcomes. Each of these nine planets exerts a profound influence on our lives depending upon their placement & state in our horoscope as well as their transit.

A Navgrah Yantra is a combined Yantra to pacify all the nine planets. This Yantra is divided into nine squares, each one with a talisman representing one planet. It is an extremely useful & beneficial Yantra, since it's worship strengthens benefic planets & increases their positive influence and on the other hand, it also pacifies malefic planets & neutralizes their negative effects. This Yantra is recommended for all, particularly those in whose horoscope, more than 3 or 4 planets are malefic and therefore it is not possible or very difficult to pacify them individually. This Yantra should be worshipped life-long to ensure that you always get maximum advantage from your planets.

Navgrah are the nine celestial influencers as per Vedic Astrology. The seven days of the week are named after the seven visible celestial bodies. The “Navagrah Yantra –Mystical Diagram of the Nine Planets " is a talisman of unique importance. This yantra can both amplify and improve the beneficial effects of your planets. The Navgrah Yantra is even more special because it works on all the nine planets at once in a mutually harmonious way. According to Vedic Astrology, the unfavorable position of the Planets in your Horoscope is solely responsible for all the hardships and struggles faced by a person despite of the hard work and efforts he puts in. To remove all these bad influences of the 9 planets, Navgrah Yantra is the best choice.

Navgrah Yantra in Silver Locket :
This Navgrah Yantra is in a Locket form so that it can be worn around the neck. The material used is silver (approximately 2 gms.)
Energization of Navgrah Yantra
Please note that as such, the Yantra sent to our clients are already energized by our Guruji according to rituals required as per ancient vedic texts and therefore it may be directly worn around the neck or can be kept in the Puja Room or any other pious place / in the Hand Bag / Wallet.

However, if the client wishes then additionally He / She may do the following :
On Thursday morning, after having bath, wash the Yantra with clean water and wipe it clean with a soft piece of cloth then wear it with full faith at your worshipping place. Light a lamp and kindle some incense sticks. Offer flowers of mixed colors and then recite the Beej Mantra of this Yantra.

Beej Mantra
Om Bramha Murari Tripurantkari Bhanushashi Bhumisutau Bhudhashch
Gurushcha Shukra Shani Rahu Ketavah Sarve Grahah Shantikara Bhawantu

Presiding Deity
Lord Vishnu
Day to Wear
Please Note
The Design of the yantra may differ slightly from the image shown above, as we keep on upgrading our yantras under the guidance of our learned gurus to make yantras more & more effective.

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