Health Report

Product Code: HRHEALTH
Like Medical Science, Astrology is also a science that can provide us a very vital clue about our diseases and our predisposition to certain kind of ailments.
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Information about Health Prospects Report

Health is one of the most important aspect of life. Age old sayings like "Health is Wealth" or "A healthy mind rests only be in a healthy body" still hold their values as we ourselves experience whenever we are sick due to any reason. Nobody wants to be unhealthy but unfortunately this is not totally in our control and sometimes in spite of our best efforts we fall prey to sickness or diseases. Similarly sometimes we feel that there are certain kinds of ailments that continuously haunt us off and on. Like Medical Science, Astrology is also a science that can provide us a very vital clue about our diseases and our predisposition to certain kind of ailments.

The various Houses of a horoscope represent various parts and organs of our body and if a particular house is afflicted due to aspects or placements of malefic planets then one will be prone to diseases of those parts of the body.

Planets also play a very important role in our predisposition to diseases or their types. If someone is having a malefic Sun in his/her horoscope, then he is bound to have a weak immunity and other diseases like those of bones, heart , eyes etc. which are controlled by Sun.

Zodiac Signs or the Rashis also makes a person vulnerable to certain types of diseases depending upon their nature and basic Elements. Like people with zodiac sign as Aeries are more prone to diseases of head or eyes or liver, stomach as this sign have FIRE as its basic element.

If you are experiencing recurring health problems or problems that continuously trouble you or you are anxious about any impending health problems , we are here to help you overcome all this by our rich and vast experience of Astrology. An indepth study of your horoscope including various houses, planets, signs and Dasha periods can provide an actual clue to your health problems along with their remedial measures. By this not only you are able to overcome the current problem, but also make sure that you do not undergo through such physical and mental agony in future also by following simple remedies and certain rules to maintain your malefic planets pacified. As is said "An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure".

You may go ahead and select any of our health related services mentioned below to solve your current problem or to have a complete analysis of your future health by a detailed study of your horoscope. Our astrologer will be guiding you regarding all the possible aspects of your problem along with simple and inexpensive remedial measures which are very effective, safe and result oriented.

Health Analysis will contain
Our Detailed Health Prospects Report will provide you the following information :

1. Basic analysis of your Horoscope
2. Astrological details of your horoscope with special concern for your Health
3. Report about the houses concerned with Health
4. Analysis of the concerned Divisional Chart
5. Report on the concerned Planets with their effects
6. Special comments on your queries regarding your Health
7. Any major health problem that you might be facing in your future life
8. Recommendations based on Vedic Astrology

Please provide these informations
Please provide the following information about you in the relevant fields provided above while booking for a Horoscope Analysis :
  • Your Name
  • Date of Birth ( ddmmyyyy )
  • Time of Birth ( please mention clearly AM or PM )
  • Place of Birth
  • Information about your Partner ( Name, Date of Birth, Place of Birth & Time of Birth )
  • Specify your Problems
Estimated Time of sending the Analysis

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