Shankh is a symbol of Maa Lakshmi. Crystal Shankh is used to energize an area or to energetically expand an area that is cramped and uncomfortable. Crystal Shankh is one of the most sacred stones of the ancient and present cultures. It is believed that who keeps this Crystal Shankh in their locker, they would never face any dearth of money in there life. The bottom of the crystal is usually dense and opaque. Crystal Shankh catches the light and reflects beautiful rainbows, and power lies also in its structure. It acts as a catalyst, a conductor of energy. It acts as both a receiver and transmitter. Crystal Shankh balances & harmonies the aura around us and remove the negative energy, therefore when we place this Crystal Shankh, in our home or office, the place is purified by the power of crystal. It is evident and proved that crystals replace all negative energies with unlimited abundance of positive power.
This shell is said to represent Goddess Lakshmi. Hence keeping this shell at home in one's place of worship helps the one to gain the blessing of the Goddess.