This festival is observed by women of North Indian States like Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Bihar and Madhya Pradesh. This festival is celebrated in the auspicious Month of Shravan on the 3rd day of Shukla Paksha. It is celebrated in memory of re-union of Lord Shiva & Goddess Parvati who is known as "Teej Maata". Women of North Indian states celebrate this festival for a happy Marital Life & for the welfare of their Husband and Children. This year in 2025, this festival will be celebrated on Sunday, 27th of July.
Goddess Parvati took a New Birth after being separated from Lord Shiva and she observed a tough fast for 108 years to prove her dedication and Love for Lord Shiva who got pleased and once again accepted her as his wife. Hence, Hariyali Teej is observed as an acknowledgement of Love, Dedication and Devotion of Goddess Parvati for her husband. Women seek blessings of Goddess Parvati by keeping fast so that they also can have similar devotion and dedication for their husband.
The bond of marriage is paid special reverence in Teej Festival. Newly married women visit their homes and are gifted with Shringar items like Bindi (forehead mark), Sindoor (vermilion), Mehendi (henna), Bangles, etc along with Jewellery & Clothes by her parents. Due to this reason, this festival is also popular as Singhara Teej in Northern India.
Rituals of Hariyali Teej :
On the day of Shingara Teej, women observe a Nirjala Vrat (a fast in which even water is not consumed) for the whole day i.e. 24 hours. Haryali Teej Vrat is kept by both, married as well as unmarried women. Where married women keeps fast for longevity of their husbands, unmarried women keeps fast to get their desired husbands. Teej Mata (Goddess Parvati) is worshipped on this day and a variety of songs are performed in honor of Teej Mata & Lord Shiva, where the idols are kept at the center.