Festival of Navratri is celebrated all over India and is said to be the festival which shows the various colors of India. "NavRatri" literally means "Nine Nights". This Year Navratri will be celebrated from Monday, 22nd of September 2025 till Wednesday, 1st of October 2025. The festival of Navratri is celebrated with prayers in the beginning of the Ashwin (autumn) month and the beginning of Chaitra (spring) month. Navratri, the festival of nine nights is dedicated to the nine forms of Goddess Durga who occupies a special place in the Hindu Religion. During the nine days of Navratri, a large number of Devotees observe fast for the entire period. During evenings people perform religious dances in order to worship Goddess Durga Maa.
According to Hindu mythology, Goddess Durga is the mother of mankind and is believed to be the power behind the creation, preservation, and destruction of the universe. The Hindu warrior Goddess Durga is typically portrayed as a beautiful woman with ten arms that bear divine weapons to protect each one of us. Her role in Indian mythology is very strong and powerful. She has been worshipped as the supreme power of the universe. She is a multi-dimensional Goddess, with many names and many persons.
Nine Days & Nine Forms of Maa Durga :
1st Day of Navratri (Monday, 22nd September 2025), Pratipada Tithi : On the first day of Navratri, Goddess Durga is worshipped as 'Shailputri' She is considered the daughter of the Himalayas. This form of Goddess Durga rides a bull and carries a trident and a lotus in her two hands.
2nd day of Navratri (Tuesday, 23rd September 2025), Dwitiya Tithi : The second form of Goddess Durga is known as 'Brahmacharini'. She is also a form of Uma or Parvati. She is blissful and bestows happiness, peace, prosperity and grace upon all devotees who worship her. Worshiping this form of Goddess Durga is also a way to attain Moksha.
3rd day of Navratri (Wednesday, 24th September 2025), Tritiya Tithi : On the third day of Navratri the Goddess is worshipped as 'Chandraghanta'. She is the symbolic representation of beauty and bravery. She has a ‘chandra’ or half moon on her forehead in the shape of a ‘ghanta’ or bell. That is why she is called ‘Chandraghanta’. She is charming and has ten hands, three eyes and holds weapons in her hands.
4th day of Navratri (Thursday, 25th September 2025), Tritiya Tithi : This year, 4th day of Navratri is also a Tritiya Tithi.
5th day of Navratri (Friday, 26th September 2025), Chaturthi Tithi : The Goddess is worshipped as 'Kushmaanda' on this day. It is believed that Kushmanda Devi is the creator of the entire Universe which she has created by her laugh. The universe was full of darkness, until her light spreads in all directions like rays from the sun. She has eight or ten hands and holds weapons, glitter, rosary, etc., in her hands.
6th day of Navratri (Saturday, 27th September 2025), Panchmi Tithi : The Goddess is worshipped as 'Skand Mata' on this day. She is actually called so because she is the Mother of Skanda, the chief warrior of the Gods army. She is accompanied by the Lord Skanda in his infant form. Skanda Mata has four arms and three eyes, holds the infant Skanda in her right upper arm and a lotus in her right hand which is slightly raised upwards. The left arm is in pose to grant boons with grace and she holds a lotus in left lower hand which is also raised.
7th day of Navratri (Sunday, 28th September 2025), Shashti Tithi : The Goddess is worshipped as 'Katyayani' on this day. Goddess Katyayani rides on a magnificent Lion and she has four hands. She carries lotus flower and sword in her right hands and keeps her left hands in Abhaya and Varada Mudras.
8th day of Navratri (Monday, 29th September 2025), Saptami Tithi : The Goddess is worshipped as 'Kalratri' on this day. Her complexion is dark black and she rides on a donkey. She is depicted with four hands. Her right hands are in Abhaya and Varada Mudra and she carries sword and the deadly iron hook in her left hands.
9th day of Navratri (Tuesday, 30th September 2025), Ashtami Tithi : On the seventh day, the Goddess is worshipped as 'Maha Gauri'. She is considered to be extremely beautiful, white like snow and she wears white colored ornaments. She represents calmness and exhibits Wisdom. Her power is unfailing and praying to her is instantly fruitful. The left upper hand holds a ‘Damaru’ and the lower one is in the pose of granting boons to her devotees.
10th day of Navratri (Wednesday, 1st October 2025), Navami Tithi : Goddess 'Siddhidatri' will be worshipped on this day. It is believed she is bestower of all the eight Siddhis. She lives on lotus and has Supernatural healing powers. In ‘Devi Bhagvata Purana’ it is mentioned that Lord Shiva worshipped her and was blessed with all Siddhis (supernatural powers). By her blessings his half body became female and other half body male in the avatar of Ardhnarishwar.